Your personal growth is central to our purpose

What we do

  • Corporate wellness

    Our corporate programs were piloted in Europe and the USA, where Jayur was founded. We use easy to digest language and concepts to ensure that our programs are inclusive and accessible to all.

    We educate teams and individuals about mindset management through passive, self-help regimes. We run multi-week programs to instil tools to build resilience, confidence, focus and creativity. The science behind our programs shows that regular practice effects positive change. We also offer workshops, retreats and team building sessions for stress and anxiety management or targeting specific issues.

  • Personal wellbeing

    Our personal development workshops, retreats and public programs are for individuals and groups. These include meditation and sound therapy, in addition to teaching you how to work with your internal bio-energies to heal yourself through a conscious release of emotions and energy. This is an internal process that empowers you to work within yourself, build inner confidence and reach your inner guidance for clarity, focus and motivation.

    Group sessions are a good way to introduce yourself to the practices and individual sessions are available for a deeper and more intensive healing experience. We run our programs regularly all over Australia and online.