Helping you become your best self is our personal wellbeing focus

Our programs and workshops are designed for self-empowerment, and building stronger mental, emotional and physical health

Our philosophy is centred around self-healing and instilling tools within you, to identify and align with your purpose, heal what needs healing, and utilise your intuition and energy to build strength and grow in the direction you need.

We offer group workshops for the general public that include guided meditation and sound baths and private programs designed to help you work on your personal development on an individual basis. This can be through a private healing session or through a dedicated program.

Once learned, these tools are used throughout your life, to identify reoccurring patterns and bring yourself back to a place for balance and feeling empowered to move through whatever challenges you face.

The focus is on directing you within yourself, teaching you how to work with your energy systems and work out what will enable you in this moment to be your best self; we combine modern day life experience and psycho-neurobics with ancient healing philosophies and teachings of Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga, and Energy healing to instil tools within you to shift any blocks and open yourself to a different mindset, energy and life experience.

The goal is to build a bridge between our modern, fast pasted society and lifestyle demands and the serenity of eastern philosophies to empower you to build a life aligned with your purpose, keeping you focused and motivated to achieve your heart’s desire.

How we can help

  • Public Group Workshops

    Energy alignment healing sessions
    (60-90 minutes)

  • Private Healing Session

    Energy alignment healing sessions
    (90-120 minutes)

  • Private Group Workshop

    For a group of friends or family (grief support, build confidence, stress and anxiety management, build relationships/conflict resolutions, improve connection (couples), relaxation, self value, self love, deepen meditation practice – your choice of topic.

  • Individual Youth Workshop

    For confidence, stress and anxiety, focus and motivation, career counselling (identify passion and purpose, self worth, self value, self love, inner strength, identity and confidence).

Our retreats

Each of our retreats is carefully curated to help our attendees to make strides towards becoming their best selves